Monday, January 1, 2007

Website as Marketing Tool

More than anything else, business owner's want to use their website as a marketing tool to draw in potential customers. I have to tell them that there is no magic bullet. Hundreds of new sites go online every day, and the competition for the keywords you identify is getting more difficult, if not practically impossible.

But, there is a way to optimize your site to give you a better chance. It's all about content. It can't be stressed enough that compelling content will draw traffic to your site. The more relative key words in your copy, and titles, the more the spiders will come crawling to it. For an interesting short video "The Secret of Search" on this subject, go to this page at For more in-depth information on this topic, go to a report from the search engine marketing conference in New York City (March, 2005), "Why Quality Content is Key For Search Engines."

You will need to consider what content you want to publish before building or renovating your company's web site. Perhaps you want to provide information on your company similar to a printed brochure. The advantage of the web is its flexibility and quick turn-around time. So, update your content and provide changing material so that visitors will return to see the newest related product or report. This is a good way to build a customer relationship.

Finally, No web strategy is complete without a marketing plan that defines the intended audience and outlines a way to draw them to your new site. Site marketing plans can include promotion through broadcast media or direct mail. Don't forget to include your url address on all print materials you distribute, including business cards, letterhead and e-mail signatures.